Green Tip {Tuesday} on Wednesday.

Don't forget Fido. Choose pet food that contains no harmful chemicals like BHA, propylene glycol, artificial color and lubricants, which have been linked to skin problems and infertility. Check the label for real protein sources versus animal by- products or wheat gluten. Also look for whole grains like barley or brown rice over processed versions such as brewer's rice and dehydrated potatoes. If Fido gets fleas consider that conventional treatments contain nerve chemicals and the toxins benzene, DDT and pyrethroids. Instead try shampoos and sprays that use natural ingredients such as citronella, eucalyptus or tea tree oil. Don't forget that trusty flea comb!!

image via:: Hollie Lytle, H Lytle Photojournalism



Anonymous said...

Gracie is better dog because of it! :D...Now, if we could just get her to smile!