For the majority of humanity 2008 was a difficult year; for the {Goody} family it was no different. Personally our family faced many difficulties and much uncertainty. We relocated and regrouped. My husband started a new business and I started a blog. We made educational decisions for our children and financial decisions for our family. All and all it was a year of reflection and revelation.

I look forward to even more personal growth in 2009. This year I will turn thirty and will celebrate my ninth wedding anniversary. This year I will travel. This year I will make a new friend. This year I will open up an Etsy store. This year I will take a college photography course. This year I will finally lose the "baby" weight. That may mean that this year I will have to give up my addiction to gourmet cheese. This year I will be even greener {stay tuned.}

I hope that you--the loveliest readers of the internet spend this next year with me.



LobotoME said...

great resolutions!

happy new year!

J :)

Anonymous said...

Great resolutions.

Check out my resolution that includes being environmentally optimistic.

Happy New Year!
