You work at a grocery store?

Ok, so last night I went to a local grocery store to pick up a few items we needed. As I was checking out the bagger (is that their technical job description?) said “Organic, hmm I've never eaten anything organic." I replied that she should try something, that organic things were great. I was slightly taken aback by her next comment, " What is organic, I don't even know what that means?" Oh how I love an opportunity to educate someone on organics, however, as I started to explain the facts, she snickered at me. I was disturbed but my time was up, I could no longer hold up the checkout line, so I moved on feeling a little sad. This teenage girl had gotten through 15 or so years without anyone even telling her what organic means. On top of that she is employed by a grocer who stocks a large quantity of organic items, why don't they educate their employees? I think that someone needs to get into the school system and start educating our teenagers, it really does take a village...
